

After completing your home teeth whitening treatment, following proper aftercare to maintain your results and minimise potential sensitivity is essential.
If you’ve accidentally applied too much gel to your trays, don’t panic! Simply use a tissue to wipe away the excess; there’s no need to remove the trays.
Conversely, avoid removing the trays if you notice air bubbles indicating too little gel. Instead, add a bit more gel during your next application. Typically, one syringe should provide approximately seven applications for both the top and bottom teeth.
Some sensitivity is normal after whitening, but try using the trays less frequently or for shorter durations if uncomfortable. If you experience white spots on your teeth or gums, pause whitening for one to two nights until they disappear. Generally, two syringes are adequate for achieving white teeth, with any additional ones serving as convenient top-up options for maintaining your bright smile.

Additionally, schedule regular dental checkups and cleanings.

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