
Aftercare following a tooth extraction is crucial for a smooth recovery process.


For the remainder of the day, taking it easy and avoiding strenuous activities that could increase your blood pressure is essential.

Smoking & Diet

Refrain from consuming alcohol or smoking for at least 16 hours post-extraction, and avoid consuming very hot or cold food and drinks.

Care for Your Teeth

Additionally, refrain from rinsing or spitting for the first 24 hours; instead, swallow any blood that may be present. When brushing your teeth later in the day, use a small amount of toothpaste and swallow rather than rinse.
Expect some soreness once the anaesthesia wears off; if necessary, take painkillers as directed. If bleeding occurs, bite down on the gauze provided for at least 10 minutes, and contact the practice if bleeding persists.

Starting the day after extraction, rinse your mouth with warm salty water after eating for the next three days. Following these guidelines should promote proper healing of the extraction site.

However, if you experience any unusual symptoms such as a bad taste, throbbing pain, or increasing soreness, don’t hesitate to contact the practice for further assistance.

Additionally, schedule regular dental checkups and cleanings to ensure your teeth’s health. If you have any concerns or notice any changes with your teeth, don’t hesitate to contact your dentist for guidance and assistance.

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